Conference Monastic Life in Lithuania: History and Perspectives
On May 30-31, 2024, commemorating the 400th anniversary of Kaunas Benedictine Monastery foundation, the research cluster “The Church’s Relations with the State and Society in Lithuania“ of Vytautas Magnus University organised an international scientific conference in order to present new historical research on monastic life in Lithuania and its prospects.
The international conference was a considerable opportunity to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Benedictine Monastery in Kaunas. Although the foundation of the monastery from Nesvizh lasted from 1621 to 1627, the official foundation deed was written by the nobleman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Andrzej Skorulski, on November 28, 1624. This date is considered to be the foundation date of the Benedictine Monastery in Kaunas.
Our team was represented by dr hab. Anna Penkała-Jastrzębska, who presented the research ““Loué soit le très-saint Sacrement” – monastic life in the eighteenth-century Benedictine Monastery in Warsaw in the light of correspondence of Maria Augustyna Radziwiłłówna”