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logo Narodowe Centrum NaukiProjekt realizowany w ramach grantu badawczego finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki nr UMO-2021/41/B/HS3/00253

Ossolińska Teresa, née Stadnicka

Ossolińska Teresa, née Stadnicka
Teresa Ossolińska ze Stadnickich (1717–1776) wojewodzina wołyńska, Tygodnik Ilustrowany nr. 232/1864 r., domena publiczna

Teresa Ossolińska, née Stadnicka  (1717–1776)

Parents:  Kazimierz Stadnicki (d. 1718 r.) and Dorota Skrzyńska

Husband: from 1731 r. Józef Kanty Ossoliński (d. 1780 r.)


  • Maksymilian Hilary- died childless
  •  Józef Salezy- married with Anna Ossolińska, his relative (they divorced). 2nd wife – Matrona Pęcherzewska
  • Anna Teresa- married with Józef Potocki
  • Marianna- in 1769 r. married with Józef Jan Mniszech


Teresa Ossolińska, née Stadnicka  was actively involved in political affairs. The reign of Augustus III was very good for the Ossoliński family. Taking advantage of good relations with the court, Ossolińska became known as a skilled and important player, actively involved in the ongoing competition for honours and offices. In the political turmoil of the time she saw opportunities for her own family, trying to make the best use of her own property and influence.

Józef Jan Kanty and Teresa Ossoliński [My Virtual Museum]

The position of her husband, as well as close relations with members of the Mniszech family – Jerzy August (died in 1778)  and Maria Amalia Mniszchowa, née Brühl (died in 1772) were not without significance in this case. The death of Augustus III and the accession to the throne of Stanisław August Poniatowski inhibited further cooperation with the court. Both Teresa and her husband were in favour of the Bar Confederation.

The Court:

She inherited numerous land estates from her father and also took over an inheritnace from her uncle – Józef Ignacy Stadnicki. The lands were located in the regions of Sanok (Klucz, Lesko), Stężyca (Drążgów), Kraków (Chrzanów), and Przemyśl. The Ossiliński family had the manor house in Ossolin renovated, trying to restore the splendour of its former residence. However, after 1769, due to political turmoil, they moved to Budzimierz. There, Teresa Ossolińska took the organization of a new residence on herself.


See also:

Penkała-Jastrzębska A., Teresa Ossolińska ze Stadnickich (1717–1776). Przyczynek do badań aktywności wojewodziny wołyńskiej w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku, „Res Historica”, nr 51, 2021, s. 253-288 LINK