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logo Narodowe Centrum NaukiProjekt realizowany w ramach grantu badawczego finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki nr UMO-2021/41/B/HS3/00253

Branicka Katarzyna Barbara, née Radziwiłł

Branicka Katarzyna Barbara, née Radziwiłł

Branicka Katarzyna Barbara, née Radziwiłł

Parents: Anna Katarzyna née Sanguszko and Karol Stanisław Radziwiłł

Husband: (from 1720r) Jan Klemens Branicki (d. 1771),

Branicka Katarzyna Barbara, née Radziwiłł was the sister of Michał Kazimierz “Rybeńka”, Konstancja Franciszka Sapieżyna, Hieronim Florian, and Tekla Róża Sapieżyna pimo voto Flemmingowa, secundo voto Wiśniowiecka. In 1720 she married Jan Klemens Branicki in her hometown of Biała. According to the prenuptial agreement, she was to receive a dowry of 200 thousand złoty, paid in two instalments. With the receipt of the dowry, she was to renounce the rights to her father’s and mother’s property. The marriage was childless. Katarzyna Barbara suffered from serious illness, probably tuberculosis. In May 1730 Branicka was already terminally ill and she died in the autumn. She left copious correspondence, which she had maintained with her father and mother.  After the death of Katarzyna, Branicki married Barbara Szembekówna, but the second marriage was unsuccessful and ended in divorce. J.K. Branicki undertook in his will to return the dowry to his first wife’s heirs.

The Court

The Branicki family was strongly associated with the Radziwiłł and Mniszech families. The couple were both eager to embellish Białystok – the “Versailles of Podlasie”. Their lives were passed away with balls and delights, without a clear political orientation


See also:

K. Nieciecki, Testament Jana Klemensa Branickiego, [w] Studia i materiały do dziejów miasta Białegostoku, red. Henryk Majecki, Białystok 2001

K. Łopatecki, Intercyza zawarta między Janem Klemensem Branickim a Katarzyną Barbarą Radziwiłłówną jako przykład realizacji strategii rodzinnych magnaterii (1720 r.), „Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski” 38, 2016, nr 3, s. 31-54